2 Things to do before heading to the polls

2 Things to do before heading to the polls

1. Check your registration.

Many voters think they are registered but they are not. Or there’s an error in their registration that they didn’t know about. Maybe their name is spelled incorrectly, or their address is wrong.  Most states allow you to check your registration, and even register, online.  See if you are registered and if your information is correct. 

2. Prepare to vote.

Check the ballot ahead of time to see what races you’ll be voting on. This should help lines move more quickly. You should be able to see a sample ballot online — if you haven’t already received one in the mail — and information about what type of voting equipment you’ll be using.

For us in Maryland, there is a video online showing how the voting machines work.

Also, know the rules in your state. Do you need ID? If so, what kind? Maryland offers Rules and Information for Voters before, during and after voting.

Being prepared is always a good rule of thumb, check these local government websites so you are prepared to vote in this upcoming national and local election.

Vote for John Gehrig for City Council!


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